Shell Qatarization Cards

People power the future. With Qatarization in motion, Shell Qatar’s Vision is to become the employer of choice for Qatari nationals. To enable the delivery and operation of Shell’s current and future projects in Qatar. This will be fueled by employing and developing Qatari staff at all levels and all parts of the organization. Today more than 300 Qataris are working for Shell. I accordingly designed digital communication material the HR department can use internally: “Welcome to new staff”, “Long Term International Assignment /Short Term International Assignment”, “Promotion”, “Off Boarding/Leaving” and “New Role”.
Scope: Graphic Design
Industry: Petroleum
Location: Qatar
Design Notes*
The strategy was to communicate the Shell brand value as a premium employer. The spotlight was put on their commitment to diversity and inclusiveness, targeting Qataris in their early careers. The digital greeting cards were not deemed short term communication material and should therefor be branded with Shell Pectin. Why? Because Shell is a big brand with elaborate guidelines. Designs need to follow their strict brand guidelines. All designed material needs to be validated through “Ask Brand”, Shell’s brand guardians. Our approach to the greetings focused on reaching employees on a personal level. Making the message more effective and powerful.
The Digital Greetings are essential first steps to communicate the Shell campaign. Since the target audience was the Qatari workforce at Shell, the design needed to reflect Qatari culture. 5 different iconic elements were used in each greeting. The icons were stylized in a unique illustrative style that follows Shell’s guidelines. The colors and grid also followed the specific guidelines. The coding of the digital greetings worked on the organization’s different platforms.